In its most basic sense, pressure based theory states that our observable universe primarily consists of a pressurized bubble of ultra high speed subatomic particles. Others in the past have referred to similar mediums as aether.
In order to create a mathematical model of the pressure based theory, the model has to embrace and support infinity.
Infinitely high speed subatomic particles support the universal bubble. These particles are infinitely small, infinitely numerous, travel at infinite speed and have infinite capability to bounce.
This bubble of particles makes up our observable universe. The action of these particles drives and affects everything.
Key Components of Pressure Based Theory (PBT)
Gravity (Conventional) PBT-Gravity Gravity (Push System)
Aether (Conventional) PBT-Aether Aether (Historical)
Subatomic Particle (Conventional) PBT-Subatomic Particle
Infinity (Conventional) PBT-Infinity
Dimensions (Conventional) PBT-Dimensions
Time (Conventional) PBT-Time
Magnetism (Conventional) PBT-Magnetism
Electricity (Conventional) PBT-Electricity
Atomic Energy (Conventional) PBT-Atomic Energy
PBT-Proportional Wave Theory
Kinetic Theory (Conventional) PBT-Pressure Theory
Molecular Speed Calculation
Light (Conventional) PBT-Light
Radiation (Conventional) PBT-Radiation
Nature's Clues
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Albert Einstein
Notice the similarities:
*PBT-Spheres Bubbles Planets *PBT-Galaxies Hurricanes *PBT-Lightning RainDropsOnWindshield *PBT-Magnetic Flow DebrisInStream *PBT-Molecules GroupsOfBubbles
For those of us who really want to uncover a unified theory of the universe and essentially "solve the universe" I believe that The Pressure Based Theory fits the bill.
Additional Research and Reading